34 research outputs found

    Localization of the Drosophila Rad9 Protein to the Nuclear Membrane Is Regulated by the C-Terminal Region and Is Affected in the Meiotic Checkpoint

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    Rad9, Rad1, and Hus1 (9-1-1) are part of the DNA integrity checkpoint control system. It was shown previously that the C-terminal end of the human Rad9 protein, which contains a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) nearby, is critical for the nuclear transport of Rad1 and Hus1. In this study, we show that in Drosophila, Hus1 is found in the cytoplasm, Rad1 is found throughout the entire cell and that Rad9 (DmRad9) is a nuclear protein. More specifically, DmRad9 exists in two alternatively spliced forms, DmRad9A and DmRad9B, where DmRad9B is localized at the cell nucleus, and DmRad9A is found on the nuclear membrane both in Drosophila tissues and also when expressed in mammalian cells. Whereas both alternatively spliced forms of DmRad9 contain a common NLS near the C terminus, the 32 C-terminal residues of DmRad9A, specific to this alternative splice form, are required for targeting the protein to the nuclear membrane. We further show that activation of a meiotic checkpoint by a DNA repair gene defect but not defects in the anchoring of meiotic chromosomes to the oocyte nuclear envelope upon ectopic expression of non-phosphorylatable Barrier to Autointegration Factor (BAF) dramatically affects DmRad9A localization. Thus, by studying the localization pattern of DmRad9, our study reveals that the DmRad9A C-terminal region targets the protein to the nuclear membrane, where it might play a role in response to the activation of the meiotic checkpoint

    Whacked and Rab35 polarize dynein-motor-complex-dependent seamless tube growth

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    Seamless tubes form intracellularly without cell–cell or autocellular junctions. Such tubes have been described across phyla, but remain mysterious despite their simple architecture. In Drosophila, seamless tubes are found within tracheal terminal cells, which have dozens of branched protrusions extending hundreds of micrometres. We find that mutations in multiple components of the dynein motor complex block seamless tube growth, raising the possibility that the lumenal membrane forms through minus-end-directed transport of apical membrane components along microtubules. Growth of seamless tubes is polarized along the proximodistal axis by Rab35 and its apical membrane-localized GAP, Whacked. Strikingly, loss of whacked (or constitutive activation of Rab35) leads to tube overgrowth at terminal cell branch tips, whereas overexpression of Whacked (or dominant-negative Rab35) causes formation of ectopic tubes surrounding the terminal cell nucleus. Thus, vesicle trafficking has key roles in making and shaping seamless tubes

    A Systematic Screen for Tube Morphogenesis and Branching Genes in the Drosophila Tracheal System

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    Many signaling proteins and transcription factors that induce and pattern organs have been identified, but relatively few of the downstream effectors that execute morphogenesis programs. Because such morphogenesis genes may function in many organs and developmental processes, mutations in them are expected to be pleiotropic and hence ignored or discarded in most standard genetic screens. Here we describe a systematic screen designed to identify all Drosophila third chromosome genes (∼40% of the genome) that function in development of the tracheal system, a tubular respiratory organ that provides a paradigm for branching morphogenesis. To identify potentially pleiotropic morphogenesis genes, the screen included analysis of marked clones of homozygous mutant tracheal cells in heterozygous animals, plus a secondary screen to exclude mutations in general “house-keeping” genes. From a collection including more than 5,000 lethal mutations, we identified 133 mutations representing ∼70 or more genes that subdivide the tracheal terminal branching program into six genetically separable steps, a previously established cell specification step plus five major morphogenesis and maturation steps: branching, growth, tubulogenesis, gas-filling, and maintenance. Molecular identification of 14 of the 70 genes demonstrates that they include six previously known tracheal genes, each with a novel function revealed by clonal analysis, and two well-known growth suppressors that establish an integral role for cell growth control in branching morphogenesis. The rest are new tracheal genes that function in morphogenesis and maturation, many through cytoskeletal and secretory pathways. The results suggest systematic genetic screens that include clonal analysis can elucidate the full organogenesis program and that over 200 patterning and morphogenesis genes are required to build even a relatively simple organ such as the Drosophila tracheal system

    Two distinct modes of guidance signalling during collective migration of border cells.

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    Although directed migration is a feature of both individual cells and cell groups, guided migration has been studied most extensively for single cells in simple environments. Collective guidance of cell groups remains poorly understood, despite its relevance for development and metastasis. Neural crest cells and neuronal precursors migrate as loosely organized streams of individual cells, whereas cells of the fish lateral line, Drosophila tracheal tubes and border-cell clusters migrate as more coherent groups. Here we use Drosophila border cells to examine how collective guidance is performed. We report that border cells migrate in two phases using distinct mechanisms. Genetic analysis combined with live imaging shows that polarized cell behaviour is critical for the initial phase of migration, whereas dynamic collective behaviour dominates later. PDGF- and VEGF-related receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor act in both phases, but use different effector pathways in each. The myoblast city (Mbc, also known as DOCK180) and engulfment and cell motility (ELMO, also known as Ced-12) pathway is required for the early phase, in which guidance depends on subcellular localization of signalling within a leading cell. During the later phase, mitogen-activated protein kinase and phospholipase Cgamma are used redundantly, and we find that the cluster makes use of the difference in signal levels between cells to guide migration. Thus, information processing at the multicellular level is used to guide collective behaviour of a cell group